
Popular плейлисты

100 Metal Hits
15 840
Legends of Metal
101 603
Famous Songs Covered by Rock Artists
155 386
Metal Songs for Working Out
65 482
When Blood Boils
49 445
Sit in the Saddle and Turn Up the Volume!
41 650
Best of Heavy Metal
27 646
Autumn Metal, Autumn Hardcore
23 795
A Weather Inspired Rock/Metal Playlist
20 911
Black Metal Classics
17 384
Heavier Than a Tank
15 426
Metal With Female Vocals
13 312
The Best Metal Ballads: Picks by Teamrock
11 748
The Power of Thrash Metal
9 511
The Power of Metal
8 723
New Metal Hits
7 090
Cthulhu Fhtagn
6 311
Best Glam Metal Songs
5 144
Metal: Discoveries
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